Here’s a warning for investors who are tempted by this year-end rally for stocks




Wall Street is looking at another record session for Friday, and warning bells are going off for some. Our call of the day says don’t get tempted into stocks right now, because January could bring pain. See full story.

‘My husband’s kids hate me and refused to come to our wedding, yet he is leaving them all his property.’ How can I negotiate to secure my future?

‘He is financially better off than me and before we got married he required me to sign a prenuptial agreement.’ See full story.

Inheriting a parent’s IRA or 401(k)? Here’s how the Secure Act could create a disaster

Beneficiaries and account holders should review any documents about inheriting an IRA or 401(k) now. See full story.

The No. 1 job in America that requires no experience pays $100,000 a year — and it’s NOT in Silicon Valley

These 2019 figures are based on salary, openings, and the amount of experience required. See full story.

Veteran political observer picks Buttigieg to win it all next year

Long-time political observer Carl Leubsorf has looked into his crystal ball and picked Pete Buttigieg to win the president election in November. See full story.


‘The secret was never revealed to me either by him or by my mother.’ See full story.


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