How come Trump knows so much about dishwashers? ‘Women tell me,’ he says



In between bashing the late John Dingell, attacking “crazy” Nancy Pelosi and essentially going scorched earth on everybody involved in the impeachment process at his rally on Wednesday, President Trump tackled another pressing issue facing the country: Dishwashers that go boom!

‘Remember the dishwasher? You’d press it, boom! There’d be like an explosion. Five minutes later you open it up, the steam pours out. Now you press it 12 times, women tell me…’

Those comments were part of Trump’s taking issue with water regulations he claims have created plumbing problems. He told the crowd in Michigan that “people are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times as opposed to once.”

In case you missed it, here’s a clip:

The Washington Post noted that Trump was likely referring to efforts made by his administration to roll back energy-efficiency requirements that, according to the president, slow dishwashing cycles, among other things. Hilariously, there’s actually an online petition called “Make Dishwashers Great Again,” which was created by an offshoot of an organization founded by the Koch brothers.

Plumbing aside, social media had some fun focusing on Trump’s admission that he’s only aware of such issues because “women tell me.”


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