Thanksgiving turkeys are the cheapest they’ve been in years and this kind of cancer is on the rise



Happy Thursday, MarketWatchers! Don’t miss these top stories:

Personal Finance
‘I wish I had known sooner’: Alex Trebek wants you to learn the signs of pancreatic cancer

Thursday is World Pancreatic Cancer Day. The overall five-year survival rate for pancreatic cancer is 9%.

Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters release $100 billion affordable housing bill

Most of the money would pay for repairs and upgrades to the nation’s stock of federally subsidized housing.

Before you sign up for Disney+, use this calculator to add up the ‘true’ cost of your streaming services

Netflix for $12.99, Disney+ for $70 a year, Hulu with no ads for $11.99, and add on HBO for $14.99… wait, how much is this all costing? Welcome to the next phase of the streaming wars.

Gobble it up! Thanksgiving turkeys are the cheapest they’ve been in 9 years

This year’s average Thanksgiving dinner costs $48.91, or just a penny more than last year

This kind of cancer is on the rise, especially among certain white women and young black men — here’s what to know

Over 15 years, incidence increased 2.7% annually and mortality rates increased 3.1% per year.

The lack of paid family leave is ‘breaking families’ backs’ — so what are Democratic presidential candidates going to about it?

The patchwork of laws on work leave across the U.S. is not simple.

As Cory Booker roasts Joe Biden for his marijuana comments, here’s what the research says on pot as a ‘gateway drug’

‘I thought you might’ve been high when you said it,’ Booker said during Wednesday’s presidential debate.

Mortgage rates continue to seesaw — and this week they fell

Lately whenever mortgage rates go up, they soon come back down again.

Existing-home sales rebound 1.9% in October as low mortgage rates continue to provide a lift

Inventory remains a concern as the supply of homes for sale fell.

Elsewhere on MarketWatch
Here are the 17 Democrats running for president, as billionaire Bloomberg files paperwork for a bid

The crowded 2020 Democratic field stands at 17 contenders thanks to Miramar, Fla., Mayor Wayne Messam’s exit from the race this week, but billionaire Michael Bloomberg could bring the field back to 18.

Your job increasingly depends on decision-makers having this one crucial skill

Company leaders and investors must be agile to thrive in changing, challenging markets.

Why immigration is really what makes America great — again and again

Ending DACA would be anti-American, hurting businesses and retirees, writes Sol Trujillo.

2 powerful reasons to pass on investing in a combined Charles Schwab-TD Ameritrade

Margins at discount brokers keep shrinking, so where will profits come from?


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