Help for Latino job seekers


The United States prides itself in giving options and opportunities for all. Immigrants are always looking for ways to improve their possibilities to get a job, but everything starts when the time comes to enter the professional job market in the United States.

Many people hit a wall as they are unfamiliar with local human resource processes, much less their criteria and preferences.

This is the case for many and if it turns out to be your case, don’t feel bad about it, you’re not alone. Most people in the USA, do not fully understand how it works.

We could have written an article about tips or Steps to get a job, but we decided instead to show you where to look for useful information that you can adapt to your particular situation.  

So,  we are going to introduce you to two people who we believe understand the hiring process and who serve specifically the Latino community. They are Hada Maria Morales and Frances Rivero.

Frances Rivero is the founder of Resume experts, a company that provides strategies and techniques to help achieve professional goals. If you want educational tips and videos with  information to decorate your CV and other very useful tips, visit her instagram page @resumexperts.

Hada Maria Morales, is a well known career coach, AKA “Hada Madrina Laboral” as referred to by People magazine in Spanish. She worked for more than 17 years with the Florida Department Of Labor. Her Instagram profile @hadamariaempleos, has job adverts as well as information on free training. By watching her videos and articles you can learn a lot about how the US job market works.

At we share the American values of Opportunities for all as we are in the business of facilitating the hiring process through multimedia tools that improve the communication channels between job seekers and employers. With this article, we hope we can help the Latino community to get information in Spanish that can help them succeed in their careers.


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