Subpoenas 101
Enforcement agencies across federal and state governments rely on voluntary compliance with the laws they enforce. For the most part, people and entities subject to agency regulation comply with the law. But there…
7 Careers in Fire Fighting and Prevention
En españolFire Prevention Day (Oct. 9) and Fire Prevention Week (Oct. 8-14) are an opportunity to promote fire safety, educate the public on fire causes and risks, and recognize the…
Data Spotlight: Projected Openings in Manufacturing
On the first Friday of October, we celebrate Manufacturing Day. Manufacturing was responsible for about 15% of the US economy’s output in 2022.For those interested in a…
Parity Means Better Coverage for Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder
When the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Actwas enacted, the law was considered a landmark achievement by lawmakers and advocates who had…