Registered Apprenticeship: 10 Years of Engagement, Expansion and Innovation

Registered Apprenticeship: 10 Years of Engagement, Expansion and Innovation

National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) 2024 includes over 2,200 apprenticeship events and proclamations in all 50 states , the District of Columbia and three territories. That’s +1,400 events and +800 proclamations, which is an all-time record in the 10-year history of NAW. These events are hosted by ApprenticeshipUSA partners including federal, state and local government agencies, as well as industry representatives, labor and community-based organizations, workforce partners, educational institutions and other related employers. 

Whether you are an employer seeking to explore strategies for growing and diversifying your business, or a career seeker aiming to catapult into a good job, I encourage you to take advantage of this 10th Annual National Apprenticeship Week by joining an event near you, where you can learn from event hosts and apprentices about their experiences, or attend one of the numerous virtual events from your own home.

Learn more about the celebration by reading this year’s Presidential proclamation. My team and I will also be actively engaged at various locations. Here is a sampling of where you can find us:

  • Monday, on Youth and Young Adult Apprenticeship Day, we’ll be joining Apprentice Trailblazers and their Registered Apprenticeship sponsors at the White House to recognize their hard work over the past year spreading the word about Registered Apprenticeship to their peers. 
  • Tuesday, on Registered Apprenticeship in New and Emerging Industries and Around the Globe Day, Deputy Assistant Secretary Manny Lamarre will be speaking on a “Policy Perspectives: Government Strategies for Shaping Apprenticeship Pathways” panel at the German-American Apprenticeship Conference at the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany. 
  • On Wednesday, Expanding Registered Apprenticeship to Underserved Populations Day, we will be celebrating the launch of the Historically Black College and University Registered Apprenticeship Collaborative along with partners at the U.S. Department of Education. This event is open to all, and we encourage you to join us by registering here
  • On Thursday, Women in Apprenticeship Day, we will be supporting the Women’s Bureau as they explore the inspiring career journeys of tradeswomen who have progressed from apprentices to leadership roles and beyond through, their webinar “The Lifecycle of a Tradeswoman.” 
  • Finally, on Friday, Federal Apprenticeship and Veterans in Apprenticeship Day, we will be working with the U.S. Office of Personnel Management to host a webinar on pathways to public service, including recently-expanded Pathways eligibility. This opens up doors to Registered Apprenticeship program participants and completers, through the Pathways Internship and Recent Graduate authorities, respectively.

Thank you again to our partners for all your hard work in showcasing the transformative power of Registered Apprenticeships. Together, we can really make a positive impact!

Still want to add your event or submit a proclamation? It’s not too late! Visit us at to fill out a simple form on behalf of your organization! And don’t forget to connect with us on social media by following the Labor Department online and using the hashtags #NAW2024, #DecadeOfNAW and #ApprenticeshipUSA. We’ll be sharing exciting updates and insights throughout the week. 

José Javier Rodríguez is the assistant secretary for employment and training in the U.S. Department of Labor.

Mon, 11/18/2024 – 11:06

José Javier Rodríguez