Survey Finds Citizen Confidence in US, UK Governments Lowest Among G7

A survey released Monday found that people in the United States and United Kingdom had the lowest level of confidence in their governments among leading industrial nations.

Gallup said in 2022, 31% of adults in the United States had confidence in their government, while the figure stood at 33% for the United Kingdom.

Germany was at the top of the list among the Group of Seven nations with 61% confidence.

The positions of the United States and the United Kingdom were far different in 2022 than they were in 2006, Gallup said.

In the same survey in 2006, the United States was on top with 56% of adults saying yes when asked if they had confidence in their government. For the United Kingdom, the number was 49%.

Germany was in last place in the 2006 survey. Between 2006 and 2022, the remaining G7 members – Japan, Italy, France and Canada – all saw their government confidence levels improve.

The 2022 figure is not an extreme outlier for the United States. The Gallup data showed only one year other than 2006 in which confidence in the government among American adults reached 50%, in 2009, with the second highest being 46% in 2020.

Domestic confidence in the U.S. government has seen several lows in recent years, including 31% in 2018, 30% in 2016, and 29% in 2013.