Big Answers for Small Businesses


Big Answers for Small Businesses

At the U.S. Department of Labor, we administer and enforce more than 180 federal laws that establish the rights of about 150 million workers in 10 million workplaces around the country. Most workers don’t have collective bargaining agreements, so the core labor standards that we enforce are some of the only protections they have at work. 

But unless workers and employers alike understand their rights and responsibilities under these laws, they won’t make a difference. And I know from my own experience as a leader outside government that it’s not always easy to navigate the latest laws and regulations – and even more so for small business owners who don’t have an HR department and have to wear a lot of hats.

That’s why this National Small Business Week, the Department of Labor is proud to announce a refresh of, a one-stop resource for small businesses – and all employers – to learn about their rights and responsibilities under federal wage laws, safety and health laws, labor relations laws and so many others. 

"Vintage has been rebuilt from the ground up to be fast, accurate and accessible – whether on a large screen or on a smartphone. 

The new website divides up easy-to-read overviews into categories ranging from pay and benefits to safety and health to union activity, each of which outlines answers to common questions. (Do I have to pay overtime? What kinds of pay and hours records do I need to keep? What rules govern how I interact with union representatives?) And is a one-stop shop for required federal workplace posters under the laws that we enforce. is just one of the department’s suite of websites that provide important information to employers and workers alike, joining and the WORK Center, and integrated with the eLaws interactive advisors for more in-depth information. Together, these websites can help businesses, large and small alike, spend less time looking for answers and more time running their businesses.

Raj Nayak is the assistant secretary for policy in the U.S. Department of Labor.

Wed, 05/01/2024 – 11:55


Raj Nayak

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