At Least 3 Killed in Michigan State Shootings


A series of shootings late Monday at Michigan State University left at least three people dead and five others injured. 

Chris Rozman, interim deputy chief of the campus police department, told reporters the injured were all taken to a local hospital and that some had life-threatening injuries. 

Rozman said police were still searching for a single suspect, and that hundreds of law enforcement officers and officials from multiple local and federal agencies responded to the campus. 

The shootings began at an academic building where Rozman said authorities found several victims and continued a short time later with more shots fired at the nearby student union. 

“I can only imagine the emotion that’s involved right now,” Rozman said. “We are doing everything we can to ensure the safety of our campus and all of our students.” 

Authorities advised students to shelter in place, and the university canceled all campus activities for 48 hours. 

Michigan State has about 50,000 students at its campus in East Lansing, located 145 kilometers northwest of Detroit.   

Some information for this report came from The Associated Press and Reuters.

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